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Tomato - Amish Paste

Tomato - Amish Paste

Product Info

Many consider this Heirloom tomato to be the ultimate in sauce-type tomatoes. History dates it back to Wisconsin, but it was discovered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the heart of Amish country. It is one of the largest paste tomatoes, with a rich, deep flavor and excellent texture. Oxheart-shaped and up to 8 ounces each, these versatile fruits can be used in sauces, pastes, canning, drying and are excellent as a fresh slicer. The indeterminate plants are wispy, but bear a good crop and will benefit from staking.

Water: Water regularly for 1 week after setting plants in the garden. Tomatoes need at least 1" of water per week, maybe more depending on the weather. Water early in the day, deeply at the roots. Avoid splashing on leaves as moisture retained on foliage overnight could trigger disease on your tomatoes. Do not overwater.
Mature: 85 days
Harvest: When the fruits turn a bright red color, around 85 days after transplanting. (Never refrigerate tomatoes. It will dull the flavor.)
Planting and Growing Tips: Rich and well-composted soil.
Exposure: Full Sun
Spacing: 24"-36" apart
Soil pH: 5.5-7.0

NOTICE: Please note that not all plants are available all the time. The color and size can vary from photographs.

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